Detergent FrutyHort

General specifications
The product FRUTYHORT has been specifically designed as a coacervate for the treatment of fruit trees and vegetables.
Its formulation (colloid solution) makes it ideal to use together with the different phytosanitary products when those are applied through NEBULIZERS and ATOMIZERS.
FRUTYHORT is a mix of surfactants with an adequate hydrophile-lipophile balance for the function that one wants to use it for.
1 gram of FRUTYHORT in 999 grams (0,1 % p/p) reduces the surface tension of water, from 72 dinas/cm to 32 dinas/cm.
This reduction in the tension allows the solution applied in the different treatments to have the property of increasing the contact surface that one wants to wet and, therefore, it prevents the formation of drops on the leaves or fruit trees, which allows for a better efficiency in the treatments.
The sequestering power of FRUTYHORT is another characteristic that makes of this product a good ally for agriculture.
The chelating property of FRUTYHORT prevents the formation of lime in the diffusers of the atomizers, and this way it prevents subsequent cleaning and the inconvenience of having to unblock the diffusers that reduce work efficiency.
FRUTYHORT enhances this way the homogenic distribution of the active agent in the different treatments (insecticides, fungicides, pesticides, fertilizers, etc…).
FRUTYHORT is also an emulsifier, which makes it adequate, applied in a dosage of 2 per one thousand, to emulsify the sticky mass derived from PSILA, preventing the possible emergence of fungus.
FRUTYHORT is not corrosive, which makes it both an easy-to-use product and safe to apply.
How to use
In pear trees, add FRUTYHORT in a solution of 2 per one thousand.
In the rest of crops (apple trees, peach trees, cereals, onions, potatoes, vineyards, vegetables, etc.) add FRUTYHORT between 1 and 2 per one thousand.
Add in any phytosanitary application or similar (herbicides) using the dosage indicated above.
In fertilizers and drip irrigation and sprinkling, add FRUTYHORT in the solution that contains them at 1 per one thousand, to prevent the formation of lime that block the droppers and sprinklers, and at the same time slows down the formation of lime once it has been removed.
Only with water, without applying any phytosanitary agent, in a solution of FRUTYHORT of 4 per one thousand, moving at 3km/hour (approximately half of the normal velocity) with the goal of wetting the trees until they drip. The goal is to clean the trees.
If necessary, repeat the process after 1 or 2 days.
Once the trees have been cleaned, apply the phytosanitary agent, adding to the mix the normal dose of FRUTYHORT, that is 2 per one thousand.
This product has been specifically designed as a coacervate for the treatment of fruit trees and vegetables.
Its formulation makes it ideal to use together with the different phytosanitary products when those are applied through NEBULIZERS and ATOMIZERS.
It reduced the surface tension of water. This reduction in the tension allows the solution applied in the different treatments to have the property of increasing the contact surface that one wants to wet and, therefore, it prevents the formation of drops on the leaves or fruit trees, which allows for a better efficiency in the treatments.
The product is an emulsifier, which makes it adequate (applied in a dosage of 2 per one thousand) to emulsify the sticky mass derived from PSILA, preventing the possible emergence of fungus.
For other usages please contact our technical department through the CONTACT section in this website or through the telephone number +34 973-313971, or through e-mail info@purgatquimica.com